Τετάρτη 11 Απριλίου 2012

~ I become a youtuber !!!! ~

Hi , everyone I finally become a youtuber my name is macglittersgirl follow me if you are a youtuber plzzz !!!
Here is my second video unfortunately I can't put here my video I don't know why I'm really sorry anyways this is the list of the products by the way the video is called March Favorites :

Beauty List :


B.U - Hippy Soul  Body Spray

Bioten - Moisturizing Hand Cream with Yoghurt and Almond

Le Petit Marseiliais - Shampoo with Milk Karite and Honey

Blooming Dale - Moisturizing Body Cream with Avocado Oil

Make up List :


Sephora - Sephora Girls - Vanity Maquillage - White Shimmery Nail Polish

Avon - Ella Ballerina - Strawberry  Starlight  Lip  Balm

Sephora - Sephora Girls - Vanity Maquillage - Pink eyeshadow

Bye Bye

P.S My channel adress on youtube :


Πέμπτη 5 Απριλίου 2012

My beauty wishlist (^ _^) !!!!

Hi everyone sorry I haven't upload a article on my blog but I really don't have much time lately anyways
I'm going to saw you my beauty wishlist and it have 5 products in there so let's get started :

The first are makeup remover wipes by M.A.C :    

The second is a lipstick by burberry makeup collection spring - summer 2012 and is the
No.29 and it called Golden Peach :

The third is the urban decay naked eyeshadow palette :

Then the fourth product is the new Dream Bouncy blush by Maybelline N.Y and the colour I want
is the Hot Tamale No.70 :

And the fifth is the Ella Ballerina Princess Perfect body lotion by Avon :

Bye sparkle fashionistas I hope you enjoy this article and of course Good Easter !!!